Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Shift Happens and Jing

            In Shift Happens, they talk about the increasing gap between the population of the U.S., India and China. How 351 babies will be born in India during that presentation compared to 60 in the U.S. and 244 in China. I immediately thought about the 20/20 episode I saw on December 9th in 2011. In this episode titled Disappearing Daughters, it is explained how female genocide is being tolerated by many in that country, to the tune of tens of millions being killed or aborted simply because they are female. I realize that there are many stories like this around the world, but I had no idea. I have inserted the link so you may watch this devastating, but eye opening news story. The video is approximately 40 minutes long, but this story does not begin until about 14 minutes into it.
With India being reported to take over China in 2030 as the leader of the greatest population on earth, I wonder how many females will be allowed to live to see that future. I realize that knowing this information is one thing, and doing something is another, and many times we feel helpless to do anything about it. I felt that way after watching Disappearing Daughters, but I have found a website dedicated to fighting this cause. Although I have no personal connection to India besides my name sake (my aunt’s childhood best friend from India named Chanda), I feel that not only being a fellow human being, but also being born a female, I have an obligation to do what I can. I realize that times are hard for many people right now, but that does not stop us from caring, and though some may not be able to give money for this cause we do have our voices. The following link is an article that further illuminates this cause. At the bottom of that page you can sign a petition that will be sent to the world organizations listed on the page. Take a look and lend your voice to a worthy cause.
                Jing could be used in the classroom by giving students a project to research a worthy cause and creating a page using photos, video or other media highlighting their chosen topic, which will then be posted onto the class web page. Students will be able to show their families their work and learn how to recognize that they do not live in a bubble, but are a part of a much larger world community. This is the presentation I created using Jing to take the screenshots. 

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