Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Poll Everywhere and Google Docs

            The benefits of online collaboration using Google Presentations could be really beneficial to students and teachers in the classroom. By embedding Google Presentations onto Google Blogger I could teach a group lesson on science and assign a project to each group giving a specific part to every student. They could individually upload their findings to their particular project on the blog. There would obviously need to be blogging parameters, only allowing information that has to do with the project onto the blog. The blog could be pulled up in class and I could question them on their latest findings. Students will feel more involved because they are actively participating.

            This is all theoretical since I have not ever done this in particular. After reading about this topic in our text, it seems doable. Sometimes new technology seems a bit daunting at first, but with a lot of practice, I believe that this is something I could utilize in the classroom. I believe students will appreciate the 21st century twist, and I would benefit in knowing that my students are learning something while enjoying it at the same time. For example, when we added our polls from to Google Presentations, it was educational and entertaining. I think students of all ages would love to create their own poll for their classmates to answer. Students could create group polls with educational content collaborating on the questions presented. This is the multiple choice poll I created in class; I see that I have two votes so far. Try my other poll and pay homage to your favorite teacher.

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